After reporting an act of discrimination against me at work, I was quickly accused of sexual assault by two female accusers. After charges were preferred I did some research and hired Mr. Robert Capovilla. I was facing a special court martial with 2 charges and 3 specifications.

Robert fully invested himself while working on my case, putting in hours late at night and on the weekends. His experience and foresight can’t not be valued. Although he didn’t guarantee a victory as 2 victim cases are more difficult, he was very confident and an extremely talented litigator. I believe every step of the way he was the best attorney in the room at all time.

Mr. Capovilla was well prepared for trial with great directs and cross examinations. Specifically, during his cross examination of both accusers he was able to point out inconsistencies and impeached them on the stand. Watching him in trial was truly a sight to see. My father who attended the court martial even said that Robert Capovilla was like Johnny Cochran.

On the 5th day of trial in concluded with a full acquittal. Robert did not end it there. He made sure my integration back to my command was good to go as well. Robert’s work ethic and great litigation ability saved my career.  I am extremely thankful for him. I can offer no greater recommendation for an attorney.

“Mickey and Rob saved both my career and future. I contacted Mr. Robert Capovilla shortly after I was notified that the Army intended to separate me. Mr. Capovilla informed me of the steps the Army would make and helped me get my defense packet together. Thankfully I had them on my case because my Army appointed lawyer from TDS tried to get me investigated by CID. Rob was able to get that TDS attorney kicked off my case and got me a TDS attorney from another post. Rob handled all contact with the military prosecution and let me know everything that the Army was doing behind the scene. The Army set a board date that Rob was not able to make because of another trial, so after a conference between Rob, Mickey and I, we decided not to give the Army more time to prepare, and Mickey took up the case. Mickey came down the day before the board to go over all the evidence, character statements, and my testimony multiple times with me. I went into the separation board with a plan of action, confident and prepared. Mickey destroyed the military prosecutor,and the board found me not guilty. I had 12 years of decorated service in special operations. Rob and Mickey saved my career, retirement and VA benefits. I would not trust another law firm with my future on the line. If you find yourself in trouble with the military, contact Rob and Mickey before you say or do anything.” — ZS, 2 Dec 2018.

Over two years ago, I was charged with sexual assault by the girl that had been sleeping with for the previous two months.  At first, I was terrified.  CID told me that they had eye witnesses and that I should just admit that I raped her when she was asleep because that would help me get less jail time.  I liked my assigned military counsel, but he was very busy and was not able to speak with me as much as I wanted him too.  So, I hired a civilian attorney to help me out because me and my family were terrified.  I’m not from this country, and I had never been accused of anything like this before.  I was also told that I could get deported if I lost the case.  My civilian attorney did not listen to me or believe me.  He convinced me to plead guilty to the charges in exchange for less punishment.  I was then told that the Government would not accept my plea deal and they wanted me to be a sex offender and that they wanted me to go to jail for at least 5 years.

At this point, I hired Mr. Robert Capovilla to help me and I fired my other civilian attorney because I had heard that Mr. Capovilla was the best and I needed all the help I could get.  Mr. Capovilla spent two hours on the phone with me for our free consultation and I knew that they were the right ones for the job.  Mr. Capovilla was assigned to my case and I knew immediately that he was the right person for my case.  Within three days, he filed several motions on my behalf, got me an expert witness, and forced the Government to turn over text messages the victim had sent to me and my friend from that night that my other attorney never even told me about.  I traveled to Mr. Capovilla’s office where Mr. Capovilla and Mr. Williams all spent time helping me get ready for my case.  I felt like I had an entire team helping me out.

During trial, I was very nervous until we walked into the courtroom and Mr. Capovilla gave his opening statement.  He was awesome! During his statement, I heard the lead prosecutor tell his co-counsel that they were “in the big leagues now.”  Throughout the trial, Mr. Capovilla was by far the best attorney in the room.  He objected when he should have, he made the victim look stupid on cross examination, and every time he spoke the panel paid attention.  Honestly, his closing statement was the best speech I have ever heard.  The panel never took their eyes off of him.  When the case was over, there was a line of Soldiers standing outside the door who wanted to get Mr. Capovilla’s card because they thought he was so good.  Mr. Capovilla is the best you can possibly get.  I’d be in jail without them.  I love them and I will always be thankful that I found them.  They answered my prayers.” — 22 Dec 2018.